What’s Happening in your Garden?

How to Protect Plants From the Frost

How to Protect Plants From the Frost

Many plants are hardy for some drop in temperatures, but when frost threatens, it is smart to take steps to protect delicate plants. By protecting plants from frost damage, gardeners avoid the frustration of losing whole plants and needing to redo a landscape that has been ravaged by a cold spell. How Frost Hurts Plants When temperatures drop low enough to form frost, the ice that accumulates on the leaves and foliage of delicate plants will chill the plants, freezing the fluids within the plant's cells. When those fluids freeze, they expand and rupture the cell membranes, killing the cells....

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October Garden Ideas

October Garden Ideas

Fall is in full force in October, and it is a great month to be active in the garden. From wrapping up the last harvests to winterizing the garden to awesome autumn fun, there are great ways to keep busy in the garden all month long. In October, it is time to… Plant Hardy Perennial Bulbs Sturdy bulbs can be planted in fall to ensure a bright flowerbed as early as possible in spring. Tulips, daffodils, alliums, irises and crocuses can all be planted in October for a stunning spring display. Dig Up Delicate Bulbs Delicate bulbs that could be...

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Fall Garden Prep: Tips for a Thriving Autumn Garden

Fall Garden Prep: Tips for a Thriving Autumn Garden

As the days begin to cool and the leaves start to change, it's the perfect time to focus on your fall garden. Whether you're an avid gardener or just getting started, preparing your garden for autumn is essential for enjoying a bountiful harvest and beautiful blooms. 1. Plant Cool-Weather CropsFall is ideal for growing cool-season vegetables like kale, spinach, and broccoli. These hardy plants thrive in cooler temperatures and often taste sweeter after a light frost. Don't forget root vegetables like carrots and radishes, which can be harvested well into late autumn. 2. Refresh Your SoilAfter a long summer, your...

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Fall Gardening Tips: What to Plant and How to Prepare Your Garden for Winter

Fall Gardening Tips: What to Plant and How to Prepare Your Garden for Winter

As the days grow shorter and the temperatures begin to cool, many gardeners think of winding down their gardening efforts. However, fall is an excellent time to both plant and prepare your garden for the coming winter. With the right strategies, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest well into the fall season and ensure your garden is primed for a successful spring. In this blog, we’ll explore what to plant during the fall and how to prepare your garden for the winter months. What to Plant in the Fall Fall is a great time to plant certain crops that thrive...

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Watering New Plants: Why Rainfall Isn't Enough

Watering New Plants: Why Rainfall Isn't Enough

It's easy to assume that if we've had plenty of rain, our gardens are well taken care of. However, when it comes to newly planted plants, relying solely on rainfall can be a big mistake. These young plants, much like babies, require consistent and careful attention to thrive. In this blog, we'll explain why you still need to water your newly planted plants even if Mother Nature seems to be doing the job for you. The Importance of Watering Newly Planted Plants New plants are in a critical stage of development. Their roots are still establishing themselves in the soil,...

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