Bird & Wildlife Supplies

Bird & Wildlife Supplies
Gardens encompass more than just flowers, trees, and shrubs. They are part of the overall ecosystem, providing food, water, and shelter for all kinds of creatures. Attracting birds to your garden is a simple yet impactful way to contribute positively to your local ecosystem and can bring a myriad of benefits that enhance both the environment and your overall experience. Incorporating elements such as feeders, houses, and baths can make your space an inviting haven for all. In addition to carrying the plants that wildlife seek, Heinz Brothers Greenhouse Garden Center has all you need to attract and care for birds and wildlife in your garden.
- Birdbaths
- Birdfeeders, including specialty feeders for hummingbirds and orioles
- Seeds, feeds, suet and treats
- Bird, bat, and insect houses
- Bird-inspired and wildlife-inspired gifts and decor
Brands We Carry
